Book Exhibition

Latin America Research Commons

Latin America Research Commons
The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) is proud to announce the establishment of the Latin America Research Commons (LARC) as the first portal for cutting-edge, fully open access research on Latin America.

LARC is the first publishing press of LASA, which is dedicated to ensure the widest possible dissemination of original monographs and journals in all disciplines related to Latin American studies.

Its principal languages of publication are Spanish and Portuguese, and its primary goal is to ensure that scholars from around the world will be able to find and access the research they need without economic or geographic barriers.

Under the guidance of its distinguished Editorial Board working in the Americas, LARC is dedicated to rigorous peer review and global dissemination of world-class research.

¡The call is open!

LARC presentation

América Latina tras bambalinasAmérica Latina tras bambalinas
Teorías conspirativas, usos y abusos
Author(s): Leonardo Senkman, Luis Roniger
Language: Español
Edition: 1
Book Webpage: Click here
La pulsión comunitaria en la obra de Diamela EltitLa pulsión comunitaria en la obra de Diamela Eltit
Author(s): Mónica Barrientos
Language: Español
Edition: 1
Book Webpage: Click here
Geografías afectivasGeografías afectivas
Desplazamientos, prácticas espaciales y formas de estar juntos en el cine de Argentina, Chile y Brasil (2002-2017)
Author(s): Irene Depetris Chauvin
Language: Español
Edition: 1
Book Webpage: Click here
Cine, revolución y resistenciaCine, revolución y resistencia
La política cultural del Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos hacia América Latina
Author(s): Salvador Salazar Navarro
Language: Español
Edition: 1
Book Webpage: Click here
Biopoéticas para las biopolíticasBiopoéticas para las biopolíticas
El pensamiento literario latinoamericano ante la cuestión animal
Author(s): Julieta Yelin
Language: Español
Edition: 1
Book Webpage: Click here
Dengos e zangas das mulheres-moringaDengos e zangas das mulheres-moringa
Vivências afetivo-sexuais de mulheres negras
Author(s): Bruna Cristina Jaquetto Pereira
Language: Portugués
Edition: 1
Book Webpage: Click here
Kalman SilvertKalman Silvert
América Latina y la construcción de la democracia
Author(s): Abraham F. Lowenthal, Martin Weinstein (eds.)
Language: Español
Edition: 1
Book Webpage: Click here
The Grid and the Park The Grid and the Park
Public Space and Urban Culture in Buenos Aires, 1887–1936
Author(s): Adrián Gorelik
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

Program Book
Latin American Research Commons (LARC)Latin American Research Review (LARR)Latin American Cultural Center (LACC)MaestroMeetings


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