LASA and EANLAS jointly open a venue for both intensive and extensive intellectual dialogue in the following three tracks:
The track will cover a wide range of topics on trans-Pacific relations from political, social, economic, business to cultural dimensions.
The track promotes comparative studies on both regions from diverse academic backgrounds.
The track accepts scholarly works on Latin America by researchers from diverse regions of the world, especially Asia, in any field of humanities and social sciences. Asian studies by scholars based in the Americas are also welcome. It promotes Asia-LAC intellectual encounters to further networking.
If you submitted an individual proposal or a session for LASA2022 whose topic is related to any of the tracks of LASA/Asia 2022, we invite you to submit it to this Congress as well, for its evaluation.
If your paper or session is accepted in the two events, please feel free to participate in both to disseminate your work to a wider audience and benefit from additional opportunities for intellectual discussion and networking.